Corporate Social Responsibility Report
IQNet SR10 is an international standard certificate about the Social Responsibility management system, developed by IQNet.
IQNet SR 10 Certificate
The use of the Standard IQNET SR10 proves to third parties that the company has established a Social Responsibility management system, highlighting, therefore, the leadership and commitment of the directors due to generating economic benefits under environmental and social protection.
The high-level structure that conforms to the standard IQNet SR10 is ideal because the company has already ISO 9001 quality management systems, the ISO 14001 environmental management system, and EMAS III and also the prevention of risk at work management system ISO 45001. This favours the integration of financial and good governance aspects into the social and environmental concerns of the company.
IQNet SR10
Documento de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: código de conducta
Certificado de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
Documento de Plan de Acción Clima Laboral
Documento de Memoria de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
Estándar y conformidades
Estándar SR 10 (english version)
Supply Network
TEKNOSERVICE’s commercial philosophy is to create a business with integrity and professionalism. Because of that, inspired by the international standard of the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC), we aim so that the same values that we apply at all levels in our company are implemented in our providers.
Cadena de Suministro
Requisitos Minimos para Proveedores: Trabajo
Requisitos Minimos para Proveedores: Salud
Conformidades de trabajo
Conformidades de salud
Our will to build a more equal society is reflected in our commitment to adhesion to different initiatives and social work.
SOS Children’s Villages
We are currently collaborating as a company committed with SOS Children’s Villages, the largest private organization for childhood direct help.
Their goals are focused on helping children and young people that live in vulnerable situations. They aim to boost their development and autonomy in a protective family environment where they can grow up feeling loved and respected and hope for a future filled with opportunities.
Spanish UNHCR Committee
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is the organization for the United Nations in charge to protect the refugee and displaced people because of the pursuit of conflicts. They promote lasting solutions to their situations during the voluntary resettlement in their home country or in the host country. They are based in Geneva, Switzerland, and it has more than 250 offices in more than 125 countries.
The asylum and refugee law are contemplated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in case of pursuit, every person has the right to find asylum and to stay in every country. This right cannot be evoked against a judicial action caused by common offences or acts opposed to the United Nations’ purposes and principles.
In TEKNOSERVICE we want to show our interest and solidarity towards the refugees and the work of ACNUR. Because of that, we contribute to their labour with the aim of helping the millions of people that have seen themselves obliged to abandon their home because of armed conflicts, pursuits, and violations of their human rights.
Obra Social La Caixa: Corporate Partnership for the children’s immunisation
“La Caixa” and GAVI, theVaccine Alliance, create in 2008 the Corporate Alliance for the Children’s Immunisation with the aim to offer to the Spanish companies the opportunity to collaborate with GAVI in their fight against infant mortality in the developing countries.
Thanks to this supportive project, more than 500 companies, among them TEKNOSERVICE, have joined themselves to a project that saves lives. With the contributions from the Obra Social “la Caixa”, the Corporate Alliance for the Children’s Immunisation, individuals and workers from “la Caixa”, 2.5000.000 children have been immunised.
Animal Protection Association “No Me Abandones”
“NO ME ABANDONES” is a non-profit organization based in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) since 2001. Their work develops in two big areas. In the first place, the give shelter to an average of 130 abandoned animals, who stay there until they are adopted. On the other side, they carry out campaigns of sensibilisation based on respect towards animals.
In TEKNOSERVICE we support their cause and we see them grow year by year this great family.
Iniciativa Sevilla Abierta
Iniciativa Sevilla Abierta is a movement in support of the modernisation of citizens, social progress, and the opening of Seville to the tendencies of the contemporary world.
As a technological company in continuous evolution, we wanted to take the opportunity to participate in the possible synergies resulting when taking part in this project. We pursue this goal so we are able to see the result of the individual effort and innovations in the legitim expression of the city where we are based.
The policy of use of minerals from areas free of conflict
As part of its corporate social responsibility policy, Teknoservice has made efforts to ensure that its component supply chain does not make use of minerals from conflict zones. To this end, it works together with its suppliers to extract from them a commitment to the non-use of conflict minerals. To this end, they are asked to make an unambiguous public statement.
Teknoservice thus anticipates the Spanish regulations by implementing the regulation (EU) 2017/821.
Minerals in conflict Declaration: RCOI
Culture and sport
TEKNOSERVICE sponsors, in addition, the following cultural and sportive initiatives:
Musician Patronage, collaboration with musical art
Friendly Company
Sports sponsorship