Teknoservice and Ebro Foods against the digital divide

We are very proud to be able to collaborate in causes as beautiful as that of our partner Ebro Foods, which has had the initiative to donate a thousand TTL PROFESSIONAL® computers to the JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA to help underprivileged students in the fight against the digital divide.

During yesterday, the delivery of the laptops was made, where the president of EBRO FOODS Antonio Hernández and the Minister of Education and Sports of the Junta de Andalucía, Javier Imbroda were present.

In these times of pandemic and precariousness, it is necessary to support those who need it most and it is always a pleasure that they count on us for this type of initiative.

Let’s all keep rowing in the same direction!

More information in the news of Diario ABC.

TEKNOSERVICE. Technology in your Fingertips

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